Prepare yourself for an intense bullet-hell experience like no other, where the roles are reversed and you become the mighty final boss. Developed in just 48 hours for the GMTK 2023 Game Jam , with the theme "Roles Reversed," Galactic Overlord offers a fresh and unique take on the classic shoot 'em up genre. In this game, instead of embodying the valiant hero evading an endless barrage of bullets, you take on the role of the formidable final boss, struggling to land a single hit on the fearless space-hero, Rex Nebulon.

As the Supreme Sovereign of the Galactic Nebulae, your power is unmatched. Yet ace pilot and professional space-hero Rex Nebulon, stands defiantly before you: the last remaining vestige of the galactic rebellion, and the last best hope of humanity. But fear not, for you possess a devastating arsenal capable of unleashing thousands of bullets per second. Will you claim victory and secure your galactic empire? Will Rex Nebulon save the universe from your tyranny? Or will your chaotic weapons of mass destruction crash the game DESTROY THE MULTIVERSE??

Experience the thrill, embrace the chaos, and raise some bullet-hell


  • SPACE: Omega-Shield
  • Left Mouse: Laser Machine Gun
  • Right Mouse: Space Bombs
  • Q: Plasma Blast
  • W: Deathstalker Homing Missiles
  • E: Plasma Eruption
  • R: Planet-Killing Laser Beam



Galactic Overlord v1.1 41 MB

Development log


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Base gameplay is solid, all we need is variation within the gameplay loop.

But seriously though, nice game.